Welcome to the Wonderful World of Manifesting Your Goals with the Lunar Cycles – Copy

Welcome to the Wonderful World of Manifesting Your Goals with the Lunar Cycles

A New Moon Ritual can help you focus on and create what you want to attract, and highlight the energies that personally support your transformation, based on the position of the stars and planets when you were born, and where they are when the new moon occurs, and the corresponding characteristics of them. 

The new moon is the perfect time to set your intentions and open yourself to divine inspiration, receive spiritual downloads & guidance towards your unique purpose, and illuminate your next steps towards greater growth and manifestation.

We are co-creators of our collective destiny – we don’t just receive.. we weave our individual and collective futures with the planets!

We are catalysts and accelerators of progress, and all have a valuable part to play- whether we recognise or acknowledge that, or not.

It is when the skies are at their darkness, where you can sow the seeds for something great to grow over the entire monthly lunar cycle over the next 4 weeks. 

The moon, sun, and stars are constantly moving around the cosmos. The moon moves in an anti-clockwise direction through the 12 zodiac signs that you’ll see represented as symbols on the yellow circle of the chart below. Each zodiac sign has 30 degrees, and the new moon falls on one of these degrees. The closer to the start of the sign; the more intensely the characteristics of its zodiac nature play out. 


moon graph


On the inside are the houses – from numbers 1-12, each have different focuses that show the areas of your life where you can harness the new moon energies towards your own individual increased growth, and incorporate them to manifest the things you want in life. 

Look to the position of the New Moon by house in any given month for areas of your life that will be activated for the duration of that month. Heightened sensitivity in these areas is likely, and a potential for renewal is found here.

It’s quick and simple to pull your own chart for each new moon, to see which house the new moon is in for you, and set your intentions accordingly. 

The Sun & Moon always come together on the new moon, so it’s more accurate to see which house the sun is in on your chart, as moon can show a slightly different house depending on your timezone. 

Along the way, the planets encounter and interact with each other, and these transiting planets also have their effect on the overall energies of each new moon 

The characteristics of the moon each month are influenced by those of the sign it falls in, and each sign, in turn, has a ruling planet with a personality all of its own to add to the mix! 

Zodiac signs have associated bodily parts and colours, chakras, and positive & negative traits. 

The ancient art of Aromatherapy can assist us in navigating these energies, by using essential oils to help us connect from within – whether it’s to open ourselves to enhance certain qualities, or help us deal with any speed bumps by providing balance. 

For example, there are scents that help ground us, or connect us with nurturing energy from Mother Earth, or help deal with overwhelming emotions.

Aromatherapy is so much more than a pleasant scent! It’s one of most valuable and under-appreciated senses – scents influence our brainwaves and therefore our mood, frame of mind, level of focus, ability to concentrate, and offer help with our spiritual, mental, emotional and physical wellbeing. 

Our New Moon Oil provides the perfect tailored guide for your own New Moon Ritual, highlighting all of these different elements to empower you to rise above the noise and shape your destiny in collaboration with the Universe. 


Each month right here in our blog, we’ll guide you through the this process, you’ll discover;

  • When the new moon is happening (date, time, degree of the sign)
  • Which zodiac sign it falls in
  • The overriding themes of each new moon
  • Transiting Planets 
  • Essential Oils
  • Crystals 


Our New Moon Oil is the perfect companion and  be your guide in this monthly journey!

new moon oil

There’s also a glossary here of any of the terms we use in our blog posts, in case you’re not familiar 🙂

If you open your own account, you can track your intentions, journal your progress, and keep a record of your inspired spiritual downloads, your goals and action steps, and the planetary influences that pertain to you.


Narsha Khan

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